Wrap Doc Standard


We offer an efficient and cost-effective SPD and plan document creation process using standard document language appropriate for most employers and supplemented with customized eligibility rules and other details specific to each employer.


  • Benefit Comply collects the information necessary to create the ERISA documents including benefit plan information such as carrier, renewal date, eligibility, etc
  • Once all information is received, Benefit Comply engages in ERISA document creation
  • Documents are delivered back to the employer along with guidance on distribution rules

Deliverables include:

  • Wrap Document
  • Summary Plan Description
  • Distribution Guidelines

Price: $950*

Add Wrap Doc Protect at Point-of-purchase for only $250/year and receive:

  • Annual Wrap Document check up
  • Any nessecary modifications, and Summary of Material Modifications (SMM) for distribution to participants.
  • Updates to documents throughout the year if there are changes to ERISA regulations


*Employer clients of our partner benefits brokers/advisors qualify for preferred pricing.