Health Reform Employer Impact Analysis Tool
Help employers analyze how various elements of the ACA will affect their unique situation.
Employers are confused by how the ACA will impact them. Compounding the uncertainty is the fact that the rules will have dramatically different effects on different employers based on factors such as the employer size, employee demographics, and current plan designs. The Benefit Comply Health Reform Impact Analysis Tool uses the employer’s unique information to estimate the financial impact of various health reform rules including:
- The employer “shared responsibility rules” and possible employer penalties
- The potential cost of expanded eligibility requirements
- The effect expanded Medicaid eligibility rules will have on employer plans
- The cost of not offering a health plan to all full time employees and pay applicable penalties including factors such as replacement income and tax impacts on the employer
- Setting contributions based on the IRS employer affordability safe harbors
- Estimating Cadillac tax liability
How it Works
The Benefit Comply Impact Analysis Tool analyzes data from an employee census, current plan, and employer contribution information. Then data from the U.S. Census related to household size and income are applied to calculate the range of costs an employer can expect to experience related to each health reform provision.
What-if Scenarios
Once employers understand how the rules affect their current plans, their next question will be “so what happens if I change _______?” The tool takes the analysis one step further, and allows the employer to consider the impact of various changes to plan design, employer contributions and eligibility rules.
Set Yourself Apart from Other Benefit Consultants
Few competitors are able to provide this level of detail in regards to the ACA’s impact on their employer clients’ plans – specific to the particular employer, and presented in a way that they can understand and act on. The tool is available for a flat fee – not based on the number of employers or number of reports you generate – allowing you to affordably run the analysis for all of your clients and prospects!
or call 952.997.3820